Friday 28 April 2017

International Tabletop Gaming Day

So today is International Tabletop Gaming Day. There are events taking place across the world and across the U.K. 

If you have the slightest interest in any kind of (analogue) Tabletop Gaming, be it cards, board, CCG or RPG you really should be out at one of the MANY events taking place up and down the country.

But how do you find out if there's one near you? 

As far as I can tell, International Tabletop Gaming Day was started by Geek and Sundry in the USA. They have a website where people can post their events. But, last time I looked, there were only US events listed and I suspect there are some US events missing because the organisers didn't know about the site or neglected to post. There were no UK events listed. I sent in details of four I knew about. However, I haven't checked back to see if my post was uploaded nor have I sent details of all the events I've found out about since.

In addition there are at least three semi-major fledgling RPG conventions today - ConQuord, DevaCon and ConTroll - some of whom seem to be struggling to attract the numbers of attendees they'd like. (Though, TBH, they're spread across the country and shouldn't be in direct competition.)

We could do with an accurate, up to date, public, publicised calendar of events in the U.K. so that people can find local events on days like this and prospective convention organisers can see if there are any competing events on dates they're considering.

That said, today is the time to get up, get out and get Gaming. There's no excuse not to.

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