Monday 10 April 2017

ConQord convention - Bristol 29th/30th April - Missions and Quests

On 29th and 30th April, it's the second Conquord gaming convention in Bristol. This year, they've gone up to two days. I'm going and I'm offering to run games in all four of the RPG gaming slots. Looking at the other RPG games on offer I can see that I've got a good choice of RPGs to play should any of my games fail to garner players. That's ignoring all the other excellent non-RPG events happening.

Though people can turn up on the day, the organisers would prefer it if people bought their tickets in advance so they can get some idea of numbers. Having recently been involved in organising a convention myself - Spaghetti ConJunction in Birmingham - o know exactly how they feel. Until the day, we had absolutely no idea how many (if any) people were coming to our convention. We only sold tickets on the day but, even so, you'd think there'd be some communication before the event. I think  many RPGers plan to go to conventions. However, unless there's a compelling reason to do so (hotel or game places sell out) they tend to leave confirming attendance to the last minute to keep their options open.

So the organisers have set their prospective GMs a "mission". They want is to promote each of our games in a separate "quest" to try and attract people to ConQuord. Anyone who buys ticket in advance will be individually contacted and asked what quests they want to go on over the weekend. It's sort of a prebooking system and meant to encourage people to buy their tickets in advance to make sure they get into the games they want to play.

So over the next couple of days, the four "missions" for my four official games will be appearing here. Just thought I'd warn you in advance in case you were wondering what was going on.

Needless to say - based upon last year's convention I heartily recommend ConQuord. The organisers are good people. If you are free and can come along, it'll be a great couple of days. If you are able to prebook your tickets and help put their minds at rest, that'd be nice.

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