Tuesday 11 April 2017

ConQuord RPG Quest 3

ConQuord RPG Quest 3

Quest for liberation

Babylon Recall - a Blakes 7 adventure

3.5 hours, Sunday Morning.

Why should you play this game?

1. It's Blakes 7. C'mon - where are you going to get another chance to relive your youth?
2. You could play Vila.
3. You could play Avon.
4. We've got a bigger budget than the TV series.
5. You're playing with the guy who wrote the rules and, though I say so myself, they're superb. Lightweight, easy to grasp and massive fun. I use them to play all the big Sci Fi franchises - Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, Dr Who etc.
6. I've been refereeing for nigh on 40 years. I'm pretty good at it - I have been called a "master GM". Though I've got plenty of plot, I'm not merely a storyteller. I'm a facilitator who enables the players to shine and the characters to be the Heroes of their own adventures.
7. I'm offering this adventure at UK Games Expo where it's already sold out. C'mon - where else will you get to play a Blakes 7 game? Where else would you get to play Vila or Avon?

Description:  An "adventure that never was", based on the classic British TV Space Opera. The freedom fighting crew of the powerful, enigmatic, alien spaceship "Liberator" soon won't be the only ones with access to the unbelievable technology of an ancient race.

The idea of Ancient Martians has always been something of an urban legend. Now - it seems - all the stories may have been true.  "Something" has been unearthed on Mars. A secret so powerful it threatens to tear The Federation apart with civil infighting, with the victor gaining the ability to grind the galaxy under their heel. (Probably the spiked, white, leather heel of Supreme Commander Servelan.)

What's needed is a brave, mad (suicidal) dash into Earth system - with its defence systems and fleets of Federation pursuit ships - to seize or destroy the enigmatic discovery from under the noses of the various Federation factions before it can foment a  conflict that would envelop and kill millions of innocents.

Seven against the Federation. What else is new?

Play any character from any of the four seasons of the original series. What does it matter if Oleg Gan never met Del Tarrant? Jenna and Soolin would probably be fast friends! I've character details for all of them, but you're free to amend them - if you think I've underestimated Blake's leadership abilities - or design your own original Hero.

Played using my own THE CODE OF THE SPACELANES rules. Just 2d6, frighteningly easy, fast and fun - with magic happening every time you roll a double.

Referee: Simon Burley
Players: 2-6 (apparently the SPACESHIP counts as the 7th member of the team - go figure!)

To enjoy this game with me, buy tickets for the ConQuord game convention:


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