Monday 10 April 2017

ConQuord Quest 1

Quest to Mars

The Great Martian Tripod Race

3 hours, Saturday morning.

Why should you play this game?

1. It's Steampunk! Pip, pip! Jolly Good show, old bean! It's a genre that always has players overacting and chewing the scenery.
2. It's set on Mars. There are Tripods and Martians.
3. You're playing with the guy who wrote the rules and, though I say so myself, they're a damn good set of rules. Lightweight, easy to grasp but massive fun. "These fix all the problems with FATE" a player in this scenario told me recently.
4. I've been refereeing for nigh on 40 years. I'm pretty good at it - I have been called a "master GM". Though I've got plenty of plot, I'm not merely a storyteller. I'm a facilitator who enables the players to shine and the characters to be the Heroes of their own adventures.
5. You get to create your own character. It's easy, it's fun and your creation will be celebrated and supported. I love player characters and would rather see what you create than force you to use characters of my own design.
6. I didn't write this adventure....... Think about that for a minute........ I wrote the game. I'm a master GM. I write and publish my own adventures. But this adventure is just so good that I choose to run it in preference to one of my own design. It's ace!
7. I'm offering this adventure at UK Games Expo where it's already sold out.

Franklin is the first human competitor in tripod racing history, but his team has hit a few problems.

His corporate sponsor is tied up in a hostile takeover bid, so the money has dried up. The Martian tripod racing clan is out to stop him, to keep tripod racing for Martians only. Who knows what dark deeds they will resort to?

As the members of Franklin’s race team, can can you overcome all obstacles and get him to the start line?

A game of Scientific Romance and Steampunk adventure, set on the Victorian colony of Mars.

Played using my own THE CODE OF STEAM AND STEEL  rules. Just 2d6, frighteningly easy, fast and fun - with magic happening every time you roll a double. Pip, pip!

Original scenario by: Martin Pickett

GM: Simon Burley
Players: 2-6

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