Sunday 12 March 2017

AireCon 4 Day 3

I arrived an hour before opening time and opened up the RPG tent. I worked out a way to open the entrance flaps much wider than they'd been set on Saturday. It wasn't rocket science. That made the tent much lighter inside.

When everyone else turned up, I joked that I'd slept in the tent overnight. (This wasn't actually too far from the truth. I'd booked into the Holiday Inn/Crown Plaza which was part of the site. In theory, I could have walked directly from the hotel to the convention without going outside. I'll definitely use that hotel in my future visits to the convention.)

Sunday was quieter than Saturday. By the time I left we'd run:

Tunnels and Trolls 1
Pathfinder 2
The Code of Steam and Steel 1
Dead of Night 2
Star Trek 1

Still far more successful than last time. And it was pleasing how many new players we had to the hobby and how many players returned from Saturday to get their second taste of the games.

In between the games, though, it was a superb day for Networking. Many issues surrounding RPGs were put to rights. One major debate was how to get existing RPGers to come to the next AireCon, rather than relying upon catching newbies. The general opinion was to offer a programme of games similar to (though smaller than, obviously) UK Games Expo.

Talking about Expo, I picked up some great news. All the plans sound great and they're preparing to expand - again. But part of the plan is to keep a hall open for general gaming in the evenings to stop everyone having to decamp back to the Hilton. So it looks like we shouldn't get people coming into the RPG rooms looking for a space to play this year.

Not having a game on, and having a distance to travel back to Birmingham, I left at about 3pm. There were still two games going as I left (included in the list above). I don't know if any ran after I left or if I missed any.

As I mentioned yesterday, AireCon 4 was a quantum leap over AireCon 3. This was in all areas, but particularly in the RPG bit that I was involved in. I was particularly impressed by the attention to detail in the on-the-day organisation. I'll definitely be doing my damnedest to get back for AirCon 5.

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