Saturday, 14 January 2017

Spaghetti ConJunction

T Minus one month and counting to Spaghetti Conjunction to be held on Saturday, February 11th, 2017 and we have plenty of news to tell you.

Game Announcements
We have the first eight games announced for the day. If you want to run a game on the day, please let us know so that we can post the details.

Here is what we have so far:

The Great Martian Tripod Race (The Code of Steam and Steel) (Simon Burley)
Kong Island Rangers (The Code of Shōjo and Shōnen) (Simon Burley)
28 Trains Later (I Love the Corps) (Chris Dean)
Pandora's Box (I Love the Corps) (Chris Dean)
The Wounded Wisp (Pathfinder) (Morning and Afternoon - Michael Cheung)
Perfect World (Dead of Night) (James Mullen)
The Score (The 'Hood (PbtA) (James Mullen)

Charity Support
Both the profits and the raffle money raised from Spaghetti Conjunction will go to its designated charity, Birmingham Children's Hospital Charity ( We already have a handful of raffle prizes that will be available on the day, but we are looking for more. If you can offer a raffle prize, please let us know.

News to come
We are working on the website and will have that running shortly. We will also have more information about the menu available at Geek Retreet on the day.

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